Sunday, August 26, 2007


There are a number of words that P and E have modified. The one that comes to mind lately is "barasoap." It's not soap, not a bar and not a bar of soap. And don't bother trying to correct them! They still do baths together - although with P being 4 ft tall and Emma only a couple inches behind, I'm afraid their tub together days are about over. They get all kinds of interesting stories and games going in there and there are often in there forever so it gives me some free time!

Went to Archiver's Friday night. I felt fairly productive although wasn't very happy with what I got done. I even won the big door prize again. I won it the weekend before too :-) Now if I could only be this lucky at the Winterset PTO crops! I then spent a good part of Saturday trying to get my new scanner and stitching program to cooperate with each other. I was not happy!

Took the kids to WF day at the zoo Saturday morning. We let daddy stay home and "tinker" with the yard. It of course got crazy there, but it least it hasn't been as hot as the previous weeks. I even splurged and let them go on the train ride and buy some animal food. We don't have a membership anymore, so we probably won't be there again for awhile. Today was church and then doing nothing much this afternoon, besides P's soccer practice. We are in serious need of a toy cleanup in the family room though. Last weekend when the kids were with the grandparents I spent all day Saturday - sorting and tossing toys and toy parts. It doesn't look like I did anything now! Looking back it would have been far more effective to just take a nap or scrapbook.

Off to see if I can load some pics.....

1 comment:

The Mom said...

Jen- congrats on already passing 2006's posts. You are up to two...keep them coming!