Saturday, May 10, 2008

I Just Write The Checks....

In the last 4 weeks I've written checks for the following kid "stuff"

*Fundraiser pizza cards (although we sold/bought enough that at least don't need to spend $30 on the dance recital DVD this year. Last year we had two different recitals so we spent $60.)
*Flower for recital (I got sad eyes last year when she didn't get one) At least didn't need new $10 recital tights this year!
*Both kids' spring school pics
*Both kids' baseball pics
*TKD Classes (had already prepaid for all of their other sports/dance stuff earlier this year)
*Two Cub Scout camps
*Orange Belt test
*Both kids' book orders x 2
*Two sets of dance pics
*Both kids' lunch tickets
*Parker's shirt for Olympic Day
*Class gift for P's teacher
*Two kid haircuts
*Two pairs of baseball socks and a new pair of baseball shoes for E
*Discounted tickets for Adventureland this summer since we aren't doing a family trip this year
*Daycare - although it's waaayy cheaper now that they are in school

I have two AWESOME kids and so I don't even flinch when I'm always writing a check. Happy Mother's Day to me!

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