Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Taste the Meat, Not the Heat!

Bible School has come and gone. And as it does every year, it confirms that fact that I would not make a good teacher. I just don't have the patience, especially for brats and kids that are old enough to know better! Plus it was hot out..I don't like heat either. P and E were quite impressed with my puppet skills, so maybe I could be a puppeteer in a future life?

We are done with Little League and so now E is doing Parks and Rec tball and P is back doing TKD on a regular basis. He should be able to test for his green belt in a couple months. The big city appears to be back to normal after the flooding although I am sure they are still cleaning up in the couple areas that had a lot of water. Some of the other poor cities in the state, not so lucky. Times like this I'm glad we don't have a basement, although.... we are thinking about moving and getting a house with a basement...silly us! I honestly have no idea if we will move or not, but there are a couple houses that have peeked our interest that are bigger etc. The thought of having to get our house ready to show and getting rid of clutter and packing though wears me out, so laziness may prevail!

The 4th of July is sneaking up on me and there are a million things to get ready. Of course there is the Hansen Family BBQ, the parade (no float this year TG), the usual meeting up at the bars in town and also an anniversary party this year. We need haircuts, some new duds and so on. Plus I need to lose a lot of weight by then!! (Ok, that part won't happen in time).

Tonight we had a small miracle, Parker ate a cheeseburger! It was actually a double and he called it a Crabby Patty. They are very into Spongebob right now, but if that is what it takes, then go Bob go! He also ate corn! Emma ate a little, but was not happy about the grill marks. I've been letting the kids stay up to late and it's catching up to her and causing even more 'tude than usual.

Well I guess that's about it. Comments on the latest reality stuff: Top Chef happy with who one, wouldn't have minded Richard either. If Lisa would have won, I would have never watched again! The Mole - totally different vibe than the originals which I figured would happen. Everyone is so dramatic on this one. I think it's Clay the lawyer guy. I am 2 for 2 on the original seasons when picking at the very first episode. We'll see if I make it 3 for 3!

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